Like all organisms, the human species naturally fights extinction. Although your countries have borders and your languages have barriers, all people in all places are members of the same biological family. All humans are pieces of a collective that keeps humanity in existence.

Although you are only a speck on the back of a grain of sand compared to the vast number of humans born and decayed over millennia, you are as important to the survival of your species as the greatest kings and queens. The Illuminati is not a church, religion, political group, or charity organization, but an elite collective of global influencers who work to further the interests of the human species as a whole. Our decisions are independent of all human divisions, including religious and political differences. We operate solely for the benefit of the human species we have been entrusted to protect, and therefore make no demands of our citizens regarding personal worship, morality, or belief.

A human will turn against one of their own species for reasons that will never matter in a thousand years, and probably not even in a hundred or ten years. While you have seen the Light in the distance and chosen to follow it – even out of mere curiosity – there are millions more whose backs are turned against its glow.

The Illuminati operate various departments and programs for the benefit of everyone, everywhere, of all generations. By protecting the interests of humanity as a whole, our organization has ensured the continued dominance of the human species over all other creatures and predators on this planet.
