Secret Society With Plans to Rule the World

Joe Biden had barely been sworn in as US president when conspiracy theories about his ‘Illuminati bible’ went viral on social media.

As the story goes, Biden is part of a centuries-old secret society bent on world domination whose members include Jay-Z, Beyonce, Katy Perry, and the late Queen Elizabeth II. Except…

US President Joe Biden swearing in ceremony with his bible
Biden’s Douay-Rheims bible dates back to 1893

Biden was actually sworn in using a family heirloom, a Douay-Rheims bible used by Roman Catholics worldwide. Jay-Z calls stories about his Illuminati membership ‘stupid’. Kanye West thinks they are ‘ridiculous’ and Katy Perry told Rolling Stone the theory was the preserve of ‘weird people on the internet’. But then… the secretive Illuminati would say that, wouldn’t they? Δ.)

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So what, exactly, is fueling stories about an all-powerful sect of celebs and gazillionaires who use spy-like protocols to keep their identities a secret?

Jay-Z's 'Illuminati' sign may also be his record company's symboli

Jay-Z said his signal is a diamond ‘Roc’ – not an Illuminati triangle – for Roc-A-Fella Records


Adam Weishaupt, a Bavarian professor of canon law, started the radical Illuminati secret society in Europe in 1776 when he was 28 years old. Anti-clerical and anti-royal, the Illuminati aimed to infiltrate and upset powerful institutions. They created a plan for the global subversion of church, state, royalty, and society. 

Weishaupt aimed to abolish all religions and obliterate every government so mankind could live happily in a world of equality. He foresaw the economy operating under a ‘communism of goods’ structure overseen by an enlightened (illuminated) elite over which he presided.

The Order was represented by the Owl of Minerva, which in Greek mythology traditionally accompanies Athena the virgin goddess of wisdom. Another Illuminati emblem was a dot within a circle that symbolized the all-seeing eye which belonged not to God, but to a superior Illuminati watching over the lower ranks.

The Illuminati symbol of an all-seeing eye


The Illuminati adopted antique codenames to avoid identification. Weishaupt was ‘Brother Spartacus’, named after the gladiator who headed the insurrection of slaves and kept Rome in terror for three years. Weishaupt aimed to find young zealots – using Freemason lodges as a recruiting ground – and knit them together with secrecy. Initially, anyone over 30 wasn’t trusted.

The lower ranks were divided into hierarchies of Novices, Minervals, and Illuminated Minervals, and divided into cells. Weishaupt acted as their spymaster.

“When he could not persuade them by his own firmness… he employed Jesuitical tricks, causing them to fall out with each other, setting them as spies on each other, and separating any two that he saw attached to each other, by making the one a Master of the other; and, in short, he left nothing undone that could secure his uncontrolled command,” according to John Robison, author of Proofs of a Conspiracy.

Recruits had to supply the names of their ancestors, relations, friends, correspondents, and enemies. They were asked to recommend appropriate people to be received into the Order and to list those who might be unfit, justifying reasons for both opinions. They were told to pay attention to the conduct of other men around them and report back weekly about public or private occurrences. 

Illuminati who betrayed the Order were threatened with death, a sword like the one in the photo was held to their chest
Illuminati who betrayed the Order were threatened with death


After three years of one-on-one study with their Illuminati tutor, recruits were asked to sign an oath to uphold the society’s goals upon the punishment of death.

“A drawn sword is then pointed at his breast, and he is asked: ‘Will you be obedient to the commands of your Superiors?’ He is threatened with unavoidable vengeance, from which no potentate [monarch/ruler] can defend him if he should ever betray the Order,” Robison said. 

Plans were underway for two sisterhoods, he added, both subservient to male Illuminati – one sisterhood made up of women of virtue, the other of women ‘who fly out of the common track of prudish manners’. Neither sisterhood was to know about the other.


The Barvarian Illuminati insinuated themselves into public offices and courts of justice. Estimates about the group’s size vary greatly – some put the figure at 650, others at 2,500 – but, eventually, the secret society was exposed and persecuted. Documents found in the homes of Illuminati like diplomat Franx Xavier von Zwack confirmed their dreams of world domination. 

The Duke of Bavaria, Karl Theodor, banned secret societies in In 1785 and instituted punishments for anyone who joined them. But did the Illuminati really dissolve?

Robison and Abbé Augustin Barruel, authors of Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, argue that the Illuminati survived, having infiltrated a Berlin literary society and Masonic lodges. They point out that Weishaupt was banished but not imprisoned, so he carried on writing and working. Barruel even promoted a theory that secret societies, including the Illuminati, were behind the French Revolution.


By 1798, fears about the dangerous sect had reached the US. George Washington wrote an open letter indicating the US had avoided the Illuminati threat, but just the mention of the secret society helped revive the topic and the fear. 

Rumors of secret alliances and double-crossings plagued early-American elections but it wasn’t until the rise of electronic media and the internet that conspiracy theories became a powerful force.

In the mid-1970s, the satirical Illuminatus Trilogy put the secret society back on center stage, and it has remained there since Dan Brown published his thriller Angels & Demons in 2009.

A painting of Pontormo’s Supper at Emmaus (1525) uses the Eye of Providence
Pontormo’s Supper at Emmaus (1525) uses the Eye of Providence


Many Illuminati-watchers in America believe that the ‘Eye of Providence’ – the eye-in-a-triangle found on the back of the US dollar bill – is an Illuminati symbol linking the European sect to the highest echelons of US government and corridors of power.

In fact, the all-knowing eye was originally a symbol of Christianity, found in religious art of the Renaissance period to represent God, such as in Pontormo’s Supper at Emmaus

The eye also appears as a symbol on some earlier editions of the Douay-Rheims Bible, the same bible President Biden carried on Inauguration Day. That doesn’t necessarily mean that the Illuminati are planning to topple the world’s governments installing President Biden, Lady Gaga, Eminem, and other rappers as the new overlords. Sometimes a coincidence is just a coincidence.

As Beyonce puts it in her hit song Formation: “Y’all haters corny with that Illuminati mess.” 

Who was Illuminati founder Adam Weishaupt? 

Professor Johann Adam Joseph Weishaupt (1748-1830) founded a secret society in 1776 along with senior students in Ingolstadt, on the Danube in Upper Bavaria. Members initially referred to themselves as ‘Perfectibilists’ – a person who believes that a given thing, often human nature, is perfectible – and were subsequently called ‘Illuminati’. The word was adapted from a Latin root, Illuminatus, which directly translates to ‘enlightened’. 

Adam Weishaupt, born in 1748, was undoubtedly influenced by his Godfather who raised him after Adam’s father, a lawyer, died at a young age. Adam was raised by his godfather, Baron Johann von Ickstaff, a German educator, director of the University of Ingolstadt, and a scholar of the Age of Enlightenment who had an extensive library full of banned and esoteric books. Weishaupt’s interests were widespread, including an early fascination with aeronautics.

Illuminati Founder Johann Adam Weishaupt
Illuminati founder Johann Adam Joseph Weishaupt

Weishaupt and the society’s goal was ultimately to create – by education and surveillance – an elite body of men that would eventually take over all key positions in the State. The society grew rapidly, but by the 1780s its popularity declined. 

Writings intercepted in 1784 were interpreted as seditious and the society was banned by the government. Following the disclosure of the Illuminati’s existence, Weishaupt lost his professorship in Ingolstadt in 1785 and fled Bavaria for Gotha where he wrote a series of works defending the Illuminati, including A Complete History of the Persecutions of the Illuminati in Bavaria (1785)A Picture of Illuminism (1786), An Apology for the Illuminati (1786), and An Improved System of Illuminism (1787). 

Adam Weishaupt died in Gotha on 18 November 1830 at the age of 82 but the Illuminati’s influence would live on for centuries. Some of Weishaupt’s books have been translated into English including Diogenes’ Lamp, or an Examination of Our Present Day Morality and Enlightenment, translated by Amelia Gill, The Masonic Book Club, and available on Internet Archive.

Five (5) reasons to join the Illuminati

You know us. We have people everywhere. Nothing in this country happens without our hand in it. Now, for a limited time, the 200-year-old secret society is taking applications for new members!

Here are five reasons to join the original secret society.

  1. Democracy has failed. This is the next best thing.

Ever wish your voice counted in our society? So did we. Then we had a better idea: why let everyone have a voice when you could make sure only the right people could actually change things?

Members of our society are guaranteed inclusion on our list of “right people.” Come help us rig elections, buy votes in the legislature and orchestrate shadow social media campaigns to effect real change in our world.

  1. We have all the secrets. All of them.

Did you ever wonder who really killed John F. Kennedy? What about that moon landing? New members have full access to all our entry-level secrets, housed in a secure bunker in Area 51.

With your introductory subscription, get the scoop on the ’60s, Ley Lines and Ancient Egypt, plus access to an exclusive discount on our advanced subscription, which adds the secrets of Scientology, Roswell and what really happened in the 2000 presidential elections.

  1. Free access to our game room for a month.

Our agents are everywhere, and they all agree: We’ve got the best game room ever. Secreted in a mountain fortress somewhere in the Rockies, shoot pool and smoke only the finest Cuban cigars with your enlightened brothers and sisters.

For an additional fee, you can host your own events in our expansive facilities. They’re perfect for company conferences, high school dances and clandestine meetings for your latest underground conspiracy. Get access today!

  1. Get advanced access to new versions of U.S. currency.

Our special currency and origami departments work around the clock to embed secret messages in the lifeblood of the republic: U.S. currency.

All members of the Illuminati are granted early access to new currency designs, including instructions on how to discover all our hidden messages and a secure line to our designers, all of whom welcome your comments and questions.

  1. Ten lucky new members will be featured as a cameo in Dan Brown’s next thriller.
  2. Multiple New York Times bestselling author Dan Brown has, in an exclusive deal with the powers that be, offered to add 10 new Illuminati members in his latest thriller covering an ancient conspiracy behind the creation of the state of Florida.
  3. The lucky winners can specify how their name will appear, draft two lines of description included in the novel and even specify the method their character will perish at the hand of Brown’s intrepid hero.
  4. All applicants should meet with our WSU liaison Professor Sinestera in the astrology department and email your resume to
The Illuminati, QAnon, Lizard People, and Other Bizarre Conspiracy Theories

In the shape-shifting world of alternative facts is it any wonder that there’s even a conspiracy theory about the CIA inventing the term ‘conspiracy theory’’?

Some of the myths are actually older than the Agency, flourishing in the 1820s and 1830s with the development of political parties. Others gained credence during the Cold War, a secretive era defined in part by the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the Warren Commission investigation, the Watergate break-in, Iran-Contra scandal, and exposés of CIA assassination plots. Operations like the mind-control Project MKUltra fueled fears of a deep state. 

With the rise of social media, barely a day goes by without another conspiracy myth. Here are a few of the wildest, weirdest, and most intriguing tales.

Montrage illustration of Microsoft founder Bill Gates


The pandemic is a breeding ground for conspiracies. Among the more bizarre Covid-19 claims is that Microsoft founder Bill Gates used a vaccination campaign to implant microchips that track people with a digital ID. Obviously, there’s no evidence to support the rumor. Gates’ foundation committed $1.75bn in Covid aid and he said he was shocked to be at the center of millions of ‘evil’ online posts and conspiracy theories: “I hope it goes away.” 

QAnon symbol with the shaman


Has a satanic cabal invaded the US government? QAnon’s digital soldiers morphed into a riotous US Capitol mob in January 2021, many of them followers of the online QAnon conspiracy. ‘Q’, the cult’s leader, claims to be a government insider with details of a secretive group of cannibalistic pedophiles in a plot that mirrors aspects of the Pizzagate conspiracy.

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Marilyn Monroe in a bathing suit


Was Marilyn Monroe murdered in 1962? While authorities found she likely committed suicide with an overdose of sleeping pills, some believe Monroe was murdered because of her ties to the Kennedy clan. Others claim she was killed before she could reveal top-secret intelligence about UFOs. Yet another theory blames the CIA for staging her suicide because Monroe was about to expose their attempts to kill Cuban leader Fidel Castro. Monroe’s diary went missing from the coroner’s office, fueling the fire.

A dark image of a CIA Spy in the night


The Agency has been the target of many debunked theories involving the spread of HIV/AIDS9/11, and the crack cocaine epidemic. Even the Jonestown massacre was blamed on a CIA mind-control experiment. One of the most persistent theories questions whether the CIA was involved in the 1963 murder of former President John F. Kennedy in retaliation for the failed Cuban Bay of Pigs invasion. While that idea is unsupported by evidence, there are lingering questions about whether the CIA withheld intelligence and whether there was more than one shooter. 

Conspiracy theorists believe Jay-Z and the Illuminati are plotting for world domination


Do the Illuminati plan to rule the world? The secret society supposedly includes celebrities Jay-Z and Beyonce, US President Joe Biden, and Britain’s Queen Elizabeth. There’s no point in denying involvement (although Jay-Z has) because that’s exactly what the Illuminati would do. The group did actually exist in the late 1700s, so who’s to say the Illuminati hasn’t been revived… Just don’t blame Jay-Z.

Zodiac’s Mark Ruffalo doubts the official version of 9/11 events


Celebrities are often at the center of conspiracy theories – as Paul McCartney well knows – but many stars also spread their own theories. Zodiac’s Mark Ruffalo (above) and many others doubt the official 9/11 version of events. Rapper M.I.A. thinks the CIA developed Google and that governments control what information search engines deliver. Empire star Terrance Howard is convinced that 1 x 1 = 2. Rapper B.o.B believes the Earth is flat and Kylie Jenner worries about chemtrails.

After Malala Yousafzai’s shooting she appeared on the cover of Vogue


You don’t get to be a 23-year-old Nobel Peace Prize winner, Oxford graduate, head of an education charity, and occasional Vogue model without attracting a few conspiracy theories. In some circles, Malala Yousafzai is a suspected Western spy. In others, she is the victim of a CIA plot to discredit the Taliban. Her shooting, the theory goes, was a US-orchestrated mission carried out by Hollywood actor Robert de Niro disguised as an Uzbek homeopath.

Conspiracy Theorists believe Lizard People run the world


Some 12m Americans either believe or aren’t sure if interstellar lizards run the US, a sizable number albeit less than the 66m who believe aliens landed at Roswell, New Mexico. David Icke, author of The Big Secret, says leaders – including George Bush and Bill Clinton – are extraterrestrials, and that lizard people run secret societies such as the Freemasons and the Illuminati. ‘Lizard people’ were even added to the 2008 Minnesota midterm ballot, which raised a few eyebrows (not among Lizard people, of course, as reptiles lack eyebrows). 

Man on the Moon but was the Apollo landing real?


Space is a fertile area for conspiracies and one of the most persistent myths involves the moon. A 2019 poll revealed that one in 10 Americans believe the 1969 moon landing was faked. There is third-party evidence of the landings but not everyone is convinced. The Flat Earth Society has suggested that Walt Disney Studios and director Stanley Kubrick staged the 1969 landing using a script written by Arthur C. Clarke.

Princess Diana's death is at the center of many conspiracy theories


Was the death of Princess Diana really caused by an accidental car crash in Paris? Diana mentioned a ‘big surprise’ weeks earlier, leading some to speculate that her death was orchestrated by agents of the British state who feared Diana was pregnant or about to get engaged. Others – including, it would appear, Diana – feared she would be harmed to clear the way for then-Prince Charles to remarry. The paparazzi were initially blamed for chasing her car but cleared of any criminal conspiracy. Driver Henri Paul was found to be responsible but some question whether he was paid by the French and British secret services. 

British Prime Minister Harold Wilson with Queen Elizabeth II


Fans of Netflix’s The Crown will be familiar with former British Prime Minister Harold Wilson, a favorite of Queen Elizabeth. In real life, he was rumored to be a KGB spy while serving for eight years during the Cold War. (MI5 investigated and found the story to be false.) Wilson was also supposedly the victim of treasonous plots by right-leaning MI5 spies and the British military in the Clockwork Orange plot. The Labour PM was among those convinced he was the target of plans to stage a military coup – and that the Royal Family backed it.

A street in Havana Cuba


For decades covert ‘false flag’ operations have been designed to pin the blame on someone not necessarily involved. The USS Maine bombing is still the subject of lively speculation. The rise of ISIS fed rumors that the group was created by the US, CIA, Mossad, or Hillary Clinton. One of the Pentagon’s most audacious false flag operations – never carried out – was Operation Northwood. The plan was for the CIA to commit acts of terrorism against US military and civilian targets in 1962 which would lead to theories that Cuba was behind the attacks, justifying a war that would topple Fidel Castro. JFK nixed the plan, however.

Denver Airport who some believe is home of the new World Order


Denver’s airport might look like… well, an airport, but supposedly it is built atop secret bunkers housing billionaires, Lizard people, and possibly aliens. The airport’s public art collection and gargoyle sculptures apparently hold clues to its sinister, controlling influence – possibly the Illuminati, Freemasons, New World Order, or Nazis. Check out the airport’s Conspiracy Theories Gallery next time you’re flying through (or tunneling below).